The sounds section allows the following settings to be adjusted:

Audio files are stored in a folder called audio under the install path. (default %ProgramFiles%\Sensible Laps\Audio). Currently only .wav files are supported.

Lap Announcement Preference:

Choose what sound to play lap is detected.

Options include:

  • None
  • Beep (plays normal beep audio)
  • Position
  • Name
  • Name - Position
  • Position - Name

Normal Beep:

Audio file to play for normal beeps

Error Beep:

Audio file to play when theres an error (lap under minimum).

Race Start:

Audio file to play when the race starts

Race Complete:

Audio file to play when the race finishes

Text to Speech:

Voice - System voice to use for text to speech (options depend on installed voices)

Speed - Voice speed. Many of the available voices speak at very different speeds. Use this slider to adjust to your preference.

Volume - Adjust how loud text to speech announcements are.

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