Welcome to Sensible Laps

Sensible Laps aims to make RC lap timing simple and easy.

All the options you need with a nice clean interface.

Change Log

## [1.0.3] - 2022-03-24

### Fixed

- First hit delay implementation

### Changed

- Don't show tool tip on race view.

- Main display timer text size.

- Delay timer controls.

- Race control panel.

- Changing a delay time in the schedule view sets the duration and remaining time to the new value.

- Always show the delay time even when paused.

- Updated snap out window to look the same as main view.

### Added

- Ability to disqualify a driver from a race.

- Flash the driver that just crossed the line in race view.

- Prompt user when stopping or restarting a race.

- Division reports.

- User can specify when to change race view from last to current in settings.

- Driver progression through current lap can be shown on race view. not replicated through to web views yet.

## [1.0.2] - 2022-03-18

### Added

- Print incomplete race will print a grid list

- Print un-run round will print a grid list

- New table view for use with streaming services

## Changed

- Advanced division options in wizard now has the division name on dialog.

- Import contestants preview list is now editable to correct duplicate transponders and incorrect names.

## [1.0.1] - 2022-03-14

### Fixed

- Open practice doesn't start properly

### Changed

- Results export does not split to days unless specified by the divisions. Export is to the start date of the event.

## [1.0.0] - 2022-03-13

### Added

- Controlled Practice - finally

### Fixed

- Templates disconnecting round race config from parent config

### Changed

- Templates and practice are stored as archive to reduce space.

- Old templates will not load properly and should not be used. Please recreate any templates you have.

## [0.9.13] - 2022-03-11

### Fixed

- Joomla events import now works when entry list split over multiple pages.

- RCSignup manual entries now work.

### Added

- Joomla and RCSignup allow auto event name change to selected online event.

## [0.9.12] - 2022-02-16

### Fixed

- Application crashes when skipping through event

## [0.9.11] - 2021-12-12

### Fixed

- Lots of small bugs in Sensible Championship UI

## [0.9.10] - 2021-12-01

### Fixed

- When importing entries through the wizard, all templated classes were removed then recreated (advanced division settings lost).

## [0.9.9] - 2021-11-18

### Fixed

- When moving entry between split groups, car numbers become out of order.

- When backing up a profile without all expected files, no backup created.

### Changed

- Can now change options after event has started, add remove races, change qualy type, start stagger etc.

### Added

- Basic schedule report

## [0.9.8] - 2021-11-11

### Fixed

- Fix crash when applying division options

## [0.9.7] - 2021-11-11

### Added

- Import entries from online sources.

- Wizard has seperate step for importing entries.

### Changed

- Event Wizard order of steps, select template step does not include option to import entries anymore.

## [0.9.6] - 2021-11-05

### Fixed

- Pause button was hidden but could still be clicked mid race, breaks everything.

- Adding unknown contestant was broken.

### Added

- Event file now defaults to a new file type sevx. sevx is actually just an archived sev saving significant disk space.

- Divisions can now configure their own custom sounds, different from the settings file in case some classes need a different sound setup.

### Changed

- Settings file format changed. Sounds split out into separate class so each division can hold their own sound settings.

- Sound settings (actions) pushed together under one tab in settings.

## [0.9.5] - 2021-10-27

### Fixed

- Personal best lap color in web view when in dark mode is not readable

- Fix AutoComplete Textbox validation error display

- If load event from main menu when wizard is shown, wizard doesn't go away.

### Added

- Track Profile Backup and Restore

## [0.9.4] - 2021-10-08

### Fixed

- Contestant names needed to have the spaces trimmed off.

- Import contestants was not safe. Can still be safer.

- Broken tab item theme.

### Changed

- Force name entry to be title case.

- Forcibly change all previous contestants names to title case.

- Forcibly change all events that are opened to have the entry names changed to title case.

- Forcibly change all contestant names to title case when imported via online entry.

## [0.9.3] - 2021-10-06

### Fixed

- Force event name to serialise to top of file.

- Payment method lost when re-opening event file.

## [0.9.2] - 2021-09-08

### Fixed

- Position history not updating after lap editing (split missed laps).

- Multi day results, if last race for the day was qualy, upload qualy overall table as results.

- Results web page show bumps like the live page.

- Fix bump line showing on race view when bump reseed not enabled.

- Event mode change button animates when printing entry list fixed.

- Catch broken schedule on event load.

- Catch broken schedule when moving to next race.

- Sensible Championship works again.

- Fix web time remaining display in race running laps mode.

- Don't overwrite race mode/length customisation on event load.

### Added

- Fast forward to multiple different positions in the count down.

- Change race length/mode while race is running!

## [0.9.1] - 2021-08-10

### Fixed

- Fix xmas LCQ being placed before all mains (caused by new classic LCQ logic).

### Changed

- Allow more freedom to move races in schedule for xmas event.

- Allow reseed to be re-run on last even and odd xmas mains.

## [0.9.0] - 2021-07-26

### Fixed

- Results are messed up if the first race in the schedule is skipped. (Appears as multi day event during upload).

- Changing an entry account fee, then hitting the "ok paid" button applies the previously selected fee.

### Added

- Now, next to the event reset button is an event finish button. This lets the user complete the event without running all remaining races.

- When marking an entry as paid, the user is now prompted to select payment method from the options of cash or card.

## [0.8.9] - 2021-06-17

### Fixed

- FTP upload of results now supports Explicit FTP over TLS (SSL).

## [0.8.8] - 2021-06-04

### Fixed

- Splitting an individual round was not allowed if the delay for that round had started.

- Sometimes the load event menu item is not available.

- Splitting a division if the delay has started on a race for that division, leaves the event in a state where you can't restart it.

- Settings always thinks there's a change to save.

### Added

- Accccounting for practice event.

## [0.8.7] - 2021-05-03

### Fixed

- Handle mains rounds properly that are a combination of split and merged when generating results.

### Changed

- Removed old live timing system.

- Removed redundant REST API endpoints.

### Added

- Include race start time in result export

## [0.8.6] - 2021-04-04

### Fixed

- Crash when editing entry in accounting.

- When crash, save practice.

- Crash when changing password in export results via FTP.

### Added

- Search and filter function on event accounting.

## [0.8.5] - 2021-04-02

### Fixed

- Live publish crash while serilising race.

## [0.8.4] - 2021-04-01

### Changed

- Live publishing now able to use one centralised live portal using MQTT. The old way is still supported... for now.

- Updated third party libraries.

## [0.8.3] - 2021-03-09

### Fixed

- Changing division name breaks accounting.

- Schedule will build with race types together when divisions have mis-matched number of rounds.

### Changed

- Report generation when next round is LCQ

## [0.8.2] - 2021-02-26

### Fixed

- Lap chart web view was still using old rest api. Changed to websocket.

- Transition between main views was always dumping user back to main view, rather than stepping back to previous view.

- More views with incorrect text colour when in dark mode fixed.

- Sensor data display on web view

### Added

- Web views have dark mode, just add mode=dark as query parameter to url

- New web view which is just a banner of the current positions, used as a header for live video streams of races.

## [0.8.1] - 2021-02-16

### Fixed

- Catch entry import from csv file load failures.

- Classic LCQ strange behaviour with weird splits.

- Top driver callout during race saying the wrong amount of drivers for bump rounds

## [0.8.0] - 2021-02-16

### Fixed

- Binding error on event options.

### Added

- Classic mode LCQ.

## [0.7.9] - 2021-01-30

### Fixed

- Binding error in palette selector.

- Prevent contestant being dropped from all contestants view into a team based event.

- Massive GUI thread load due to main window layout.

- Accounting, when changing an existing entry class, everything is broken.

- When in dark mode, some views show text in black instead of inverting properly.

### Added

- Splash logo at startup.

### Changed

- P3Decoder now called Mylaps "RC4".

- Remove async collections and just handle changes to normal collections as per new BindingOperations synchronisation method.

- Change ObservableDictionary to ObservableConcurrentDictionary.

- Some more colour choices are aligned to selected theme.

## [0.7.8] - 2021-01-08

### Fixed

- Generating race report as PDF doesn't save the pdf. Crashes when trying to open non-existant file.

- Christmas tree options not applied properly (normal final rounds not removed from config when changing event mode).

- Christmas tree finals nerfed when loading event.

### Added

- Championship application updated to show extra information, fastest laps and race times for the selected period.

- Show bump line in race display when reseed type is bump (heats, christmas).

### Changed

- Event results generation includes slightly more information about races for easier analysis in championship application.

## [0.7.7] - 2020-11-26

### Fixed

- Accounting, when changing entrant, previously selected entrant details remain (class/transponder)

- Accounting, when selecting a previous contestant, the saved fee structure is not being selected.

### Changed

- GUI, drag drop adornment added for all drag drop operations.

## [0.7.6] - 2020-11-12

### Added

- Event accounting data export to excel

- Division names can be standardised to a list of pre-defined names. Uses the same list as inner divisions.

- Pre-defined list of on road and off road class names.

- Entry import now handles multiple entries per record (class 1, transponder 1, class 2 transponder 2 etc)

- Export accounting data to excel.

- Save export options with ftp connection settings.

- Add option to upload accounting export with results.

### Fixed

- AMBrc protocol in SerialDecoder now working.

- AMB20 protocol in SerialDecoder now working.

- Cano protocol in SerialDecoder now working.

## [0.7.5] - 2020-10-26

### Added

- Add "first hit delay" setting to ignore loop crossings for a fixed amount of time at the start of a race.

### Fixed

- Add default account fees if event doesn't have them.

### Changed

- Add entry dialog GUI layout, add context menu to add another division.

## [0.7.4] - 2020-10-22

### Fixed

- Add new racer via accounting view.

### Changed

- Updated help file with join division information

## [0.7.3] - 2020-10-20

### Added

- Join two divisions together.

### Fixed

- Edge case: after split, event is stuck and can't be resumed.

- Edge case: web socket server crashes application when serialising current race.

### Changed

- Update referenced libraries

- remove unused references (associated with rcsignups)

## [0.7.2] - 2020-09-11

### Changed

- Accounting now allows multiple fee types (member/non-member/free etc).

- Retain last fee type against contestant for future events.

- Help file updated.

## [0.7.1] - 2020-09-01

### Added

- Show "last used in" in auto complete suggestion box when adding entry to event.

- Added back missing API endpoints for mobile app development.

- Manage entry payments/accounting.

- Add entry via new accounting view, allows entering into multiple classes at once.

### Fixed

- Maximise window doesn't cover the windows task bar.

- Results are incorrect when a driver is bumped mid mains

### Changed

- SensibleLaps.Core remove weak event manager usage to remove all windows dependencies (mobile usage of library).

- Export results to file now allows inclusion of practice and uses similar popup to export to ftp.

- Some minor GUI tweaks to make changing transpoder number easier, adding removing divisions in wizard is clearer.

## [0.7.0] - 2020-07-14

### Fixed

- Fix hard crash when generating race report.

## [0.6.9] - 2020-07-12

### Fixed

- Fix next race starting even though event is paused after replaying a race.

- Fix display of replaying race in schedule.

- Fix Christmas tree.

- Fix auto name event when opening from template.

- Fix missing voices.

### Added

- Prompt to save if starting unsaved event.

- Add link in favourites to templates folder when saving event.

## [0.6.8] - 2020-06-13

### Fixed

- Fix crash on event complete.

- Fix missing sensor data (revert observable dictionary logic).

- Fix broken bindings in event schedule.

## [0.6.7] - 2020-05-20

### Fixed

- Double announce next race when skipping in schedule.

## [0.6.6] - 2020-05-03

### Fixed

- Change all race lengths pop up appears under current pop up when accessed through event wizard.

- When removing a contestant, if not removed from all race results, the contestant can be re-added and break everything. (The Duffy scenario).

- Crash when trying to import entries while file open in another program.

- Crash when importing from excel and transpoders are stored as numbers not strings.

### Changed

- When removing an entry, user is asked to confirm removal. Entry is removed from all existing race results (no longer an option).

- Updated third party packages.

## [0.6.5] - 2020-04-29

### Added

- Password protected settings.

- Ability to upload practice with event to results page.

### Fixed

- Dispose of web socket server properly.

- Proper focus is given to text entry on add contestant dialog on open.

- Installer .net version check.

- Track profile selection not working.

## [0.6.4] - 2019-03-14

### Fixed

- Crash at startup if config folder not present.

- Reseed after fixing missed tranponder.

- Add new entry from missed transponder.

- Non scrolling lap list in lap editor dialog.

### Changed

- Snackbar implementation changed to MVVM pattern.

- Updated third party libraries to latest version.

- Change local web server to use websockets.

- Fix lcoal web view not working on internet explorer.

## [0.6.3] - 2020-01-04

### Fixed

- Skipped (un-run) race casuses multiple days when exporting results.

## [0.6.2] - 2019-12-20

### Fixed

- Crash when adding new entry (invalid null check).

## [0.6.1] - 2019-12-13

### Added

- Option to create multiple track profiles. each profile has unique general settings, theme settings, simulation settings and FTP settings.

- Auto update from web.

### Fixed

- When only one driver to be announced in top drivers message, fix grammar.

- Crash when changing lap announcement setting and no current race set.

- Incorrect event assignments.

- Remove redundant next race message that's never called.

- Performance improvements.

- Save file size reduction.

## [0.6.0] - 2019-10-06

### Added

- Print overall results points tables. Rather than relying on the results from the last race of the division.

- Special delay messages for announce next race, announce marshals for next race and announce drivers for the next race.

### Fixed

- web results when multi day and event is complete now works

- web results show all entries in a division for qualy but not for mains. mains shows the amain results

##[0.5.9] - 2019-10-05

### Fixed

- Manually re-ordering entries will start event

- Results incorrect for late entries

- web results show qualifying results if generated for a partially complete event

- web results show all entries in a division, not just the a main

##[0.5.8] - 2019-10-03

### Added

- Seperate time setting for delays between rounds.

- Context menu item on race in event management to "show in schedule".

- Import entries to existing open event.

- Import entries from excel during wizard (replaces rcsignups event creation).

- Export paritally complete event to FTP.

### Changed

- Schedule view allows more control over selected race (change race settings as well as delay and reseed settings)

- Tweak tree view in event management to have greater hit detection for context menus.

- rcsignups event creation in wizard replaced with excel file import.

- Modifying race config in division options now more intuitive.

- Race names can be changed in division/event config.

### Fixed

- Stop message box popup when division name cleared.

- Fix setting delay time in wizard does nothing to schedule.

- Give context menu back to races that are part of a split round.

- Contestant consolidation finds and fixes duplicate transponders as well as names.

## [0.5.7] - 2019-09-13

### Added

- Bulk set race lengths in options view via context menu

### Changed

- Floating popup buttons now less eager to pop out, need mouse over

### Fixed

 - Race web view not updating when displaying last race (incorrect index condition)

## [0.5.6] - 2019-09-07

### Changed

- Change minimum window height to work on lower resolution displays (1366x768)

### Fixed

- Settings speech, text to speech crash when testing sounds if voice not selected.

## [0.5.5] - 2019-08-24

### Added

- Export results now handles SFTP as well as FTP.

### Fixed

- Inner divisions reporting bug.

- Convert unknown contestant phonetic name.

## [0.5.4] - 2019-08-21

### Added

- Licensing.

- Car ID captured with each passing. Not used yet.

- Live timing publishing.

- Local web view matches live time publishing, allows navigation through schedule.

- Divisions can be grouped by days for multi day events to aid with scheduling.

### Fixed

- Crash on completed event if division detail view active.

## [0.5.3] - 2019-05-15

### Added

- Contextual Help (F1)

### Fixed

- When splitting a division that is partially complete, the qualifying order is incorrect.

- When splitting a division that is partially complete, any entries that were added later

are missing after the split.

- No stagger qualifying sound fixes.

## [0.5.2] - 2019-04-23

### Changed

- Update to .Net 4.7.2.

- Update to latest version of Migradoc.

- Update to latest version of Material Design.

- Update testing framework version.

## [0.5.1] - 2019-04-05

### Added

- Customisable race announcements in settings.

### Changed

- Update installer (remove unused folders).

- Settings files and folder moved to local app data as common app data is read only for non admin users.

### Removed

- Popup messages regarding decoder connection state.

### Fixed

- Race replay annomolies.

## [0.5.0] - 2019-02-19

### Fixed

- Excel export missing positions.

- Race top driver announcement at start of race when race time matches or is multiple of periodic time.

- First runner status for team races.

## [0.4.9] - 2019-01-04

### Fixed

- Double countdown call during race.

## [0.4.8] - 2018-12-27

### Added

- P3 decoder tools.

- More control on simulation targets.

### Changed

- Race announcements uses action engine (moving toward customisable announcements feature).

- Decoder name display.

- Layout and description of event mode button.

### Fixed

- Simulation doubles practice entries on load.

- Teams being saved as previous contestants.

- Simulation settings updates with teams properly.

- Incorrect qualifying order on newly added rounds.

- Null reference when practice laps displayed.

- Practice lap count data incorrect labels.

## [0.4.7] - 2018-12-07

### Added

- Can now change transponder mid/post race and race will be corrected as though run from the start with that transponder.

- Multiple decoder support (split laps).

- Practice specific lap chart web view.

### Changed

- Add entry dialog now uses auto-complete box for transponder selection.

### Fixed

- Lap chart qualifying positions and colours.

- Contestant modifications not being saved.

- Web display alignment issue.

## [0.4.6] - 2018-10-27

### Fixed

- Headsup point allocation.

- Top qualifier tagging in reports.

- Lap chart data update and position announcement.

- Qualifying lap chart bug.

## [0.4.5] - 2018-10-12

### Fixed

- Missing chart.js from web deployment.

## [0.4.4] - 2018-10-12

### Added

- Qualifying without start stagger

## [0.4.3] - 2018-09-21

### Added

- Sensible Championship.

### Fixed

- Team race bugs

## [0.4.2] - 2018-09-08

### Changed

- Results export (division modes).

### Fixed

- Lapchart webview.

## [0.4.1] - 2018-08-31

### Fixed

- Split on part run null exception.

- Delay action assignment qualy/not qualy bug.

## [0.4.0] - 2018-08-24

### Added

- Christmas tree, headsup, heats and classic division modes.

### Changed

- Huge change to event structure (event mode).

### Fixed

- Lapchart ordering problems.

## [0.3.3] - 2018-06-17

### Added

- Persistant practice.

- Practice mode.

### Changed

- Move previous contestants to standalone file rather than being part of general settings.

## [0.3.2] - 2018-04-20

### Added

- Allow moving forward and backward through schedule.

### Changed

- Options layout

### Fixed

- Deserialisation bug.

- Manual reorder dialog layout.

## [0.3.1] - 2018-03-31

### Added

- Customisable Sounds.

- Customisable delay actions.

### Changed

- Auto build schedule changes.

## [0.3.0] - 2018-03-25

### Fixed

- Purge autosave at startup if directory doesn't exist.

## [0.2.9] - 2018-02-26

### Added

- Auto save on race completion.

### Changed

- Full layout/GUI redesign (Material Design).

- All windows converted to diallogues/

## [0.2.8] - 2018-02-25

### Fixed

- Reset messing up qualifying order and race order.

## [0.2.7] - 2018-02-17

### Added

- Show export progress.

- Team member total time added to race view.

### Fixed

- Fix team laps, member laps not being started properly.

- Team laps sensor data display.

## [0.2.6] - 2018-02-12

### Added

- Allow transponder change for team members.

### Fixed

- Only serialise when web server running (performance).

- Huge web API performance improvement.

## [0.2.5] - 2018-02-04

### Fixed

- Nested tooltips (.net bug causing crashes).

- Event load problem.

- Crash on start if selected voice is not available.

## [0.2.4] - 2018-01-06

### Changed

- Extra randomness in simulation

## [0.2.3] - 2017-12-29

### Added

- Inner divisions tagging.

## [0.2.2] - 2017-10-27

### Changed

- Upload event option in results export set to true by default.

### Fixed

- Division result order.

## [0.2.1] - 2017-08-19

### Added

- Sensor data in web view.

### Changed

- Schedule layout.

### Fixed

- Race complete crash.

## [0.2.0] - 2017-08-17

### Added

- Export results.

- P3 decoder now unlocks to show sensor data.

## [0.1.9] - 2017-08-11

### Added

- Entries import.

## [0.1.8] - 2017-07-26

### Added

- Simulation control panel.

### Fixed

- Wizard bugs.

- Wizard not building event properly.

## [0.1.7] - 2017-07-09

### Added

-Race gaps.

## [0.1.6] - 2017-04-07

### Fixed

- Web lap chart display issues.

## [0.1.5] - 2017-04-02

### Added

- Split lap zero.

### Changed

- More precise timing system.

### Fixed

- Fix lap chart positions.

- Update timer to use properly formatted values.

## [0.1.4] - 2017-03-15

### Added

- Consolidate previous contestants on load.

### Changed

- Predictive pace adjustment when qualifying using total race time.

### Fixed

- Qualifying sorting when using total race time and staggered starts.

## [0.1.3] - 2017-02-18

### Added

- Lap editing.

- Penalties.

- Split laps (from missed transponder hit).

- Manual resort of entries.

- Graphic display that driver has started (first hit seen).

### Changed

- Update to .Net 4.6.1.

- Default to mains counting first hit.

## Removed

- Qualifying pace time text decorations.

- Checker background on finished laps.

### Fixed

- Transponder change/lap chart bug.

- Total application crash bug.

## [0.1.2] - 2017-02-03

### Added

- Catch any and all crashes and create a crash dump.

### Fixed

- More memory leaks.

## [0.1.1] - 2017-01-15

### Added

- Excel export of race laps.

### Fixed

- Re-enable race finish buzzer.

- Update display on race complete.

- Pad race time display.

- Memory leaks.

## [0.1.0] - 2017-01-05

### Added

- Excel export of race laps.

- Skip forward in schedule.

- Auto load correct web view (team/individual).

### Changed

- Total laps calculation.

### Fixed

- Re-enable race finish buzzer.

- Update display on race complete.

- Pad race time display.

- Memory leaks.

- Base event config change.

- Position announcements.

- Race laps display on completion.

## [0.0.9] - 2016-12-17

### Fixed

- Remove team member not removing entry properly.

## [0.0.8] - 2016-12-16

### Added

- Enduro/Team races.

### Fixed

- Delay reset should reset everything.

- Race display not updating properly on race complete.

## [0.0.7] - 2016-11-25

### Fixed

- Cano decoder unhandled exceptions.

- sim decoder settings change bug.

## [0.0.6] - 2016-11-25

### Added

- Installer.

### Changed

- Single instance handling.

### Fixed

- Cano decoder unhandled exceptions.

- Simulation decoder settings change bug.

## [0.0.5] - 2016-10-05

### Added

- Delays in practice simulation.

### Changed

- REST API changes.

- Web server (different library).

### Fixed

- Double talk.

- Event rebuild after event has started.

## [0.0.4] - 2016-10-05

### Added

- Event Schedule.

- RC Signup scraping.

- Contestant management.

- Better event/race control.

- Show/hide sensor data.

### Changed

- PDF output filename.

### Fixed

- Don't attempt function unlock on decoder.

## [0.0.3] - 2016-09-11

### Added

- P3 Decoder.

- Simulation.

- Web View.

- Change transponder number.

- Race can be laps or time.

- Reporting.

- Auto print.

- Division movement options.

- Event wizard.

### Changed

- .Net version to 4.5.1.

- Model moved into seperate library.

### Fixed

- Load event exception.

## [0.0.2] - 2016-02-13

### Added

- Drag drop in base event config.

- Humanize text to speech.

- Load/Save events and templates.

- Split division.

- Event management.

- Cano decoder.

### Changed

- Theming.

- Race layout.

- System time to decoder time.

### Fixed

- Double talk.

## [0.0.1] - 2016-02-11

## Added

- Initial release.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Easily create EBooks